Perfil de emprendedor, requisito indispensable para la formación de agentes de cambio.




Dificultades, Emprendedor, Empresa, Estudiantes, Perfil


In the face of current labor demands, it is required that young professionals begin to value alternative ways of exercising in the work environment; The present demands start the construction of companies and with another variant: starting from scratch and with all the difficulties that this situation generates. The method followed in the present work, part of a documentary review and its comparison with the results of field research, includes as a universe of study the total number of students enrolled in the University Center of the Ciénega during the year 2016. Among the The most outstanding results are the information that corresponds to students enrolled in careers related to the administrative economic sciences and who show strengths in the consideration of their entrepreneurial profile; The students of the Degree in Accounting excelled like those of greater strength in this sense.


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How to Cite

Castro-Sánchez, M., & Galán-Briseño, L. M. (2019). Perfil de emprendedor, requisito indispensable para la formación de agentes de cambio . Vinculategica Efan, 3(3), 218–225.