Implementación de la metodología del plan de negocios en la mipyme “ Steel gym”




Factibilidad, Mipyme, Misión, Plan de negocios, Visión


Through the market study of msmes an explanatory model was formulated describing the services offered, the mission and the vision of the business, a methodology was implemented in the business plan model that aims to define the reason to be the mipyme and where it wants to reach, define the objectives and values that the founder has; to achieve this we used a strategy of marketing operations mix, through direct marketing where is the way to get the services through the medium of the official pages of the business, according to the flow diagram describe the automation of processes of the company, these processes cover the life cycle of each operation from the moment the customer arrives, is discharged in the business, until it is discharged, passing through all the intermediary services.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Ramírez, J. (2019). Implementación de la metodología del plan de negocios en la mipyme “ Steel gym” . Vinculategica Efan, 3(3), 232–237.