Website predesign for small hardware companies




innovation, marketing, administration


For the creation of a website that will be called Construyemas is the title given to the project to generate a website that allows the task of comparing prices of basic construction products currently offered by local hardware stores in the Pitillial neighborhood. of Puerto Vallarta, considered small taxpayers.


The general objective is to pre-design a website that allows small hardware stores to display and sell their products through a website; which allowed us to develop the research question which is: What elements should be considered for the creation of a website for hardware stores?, which allowed us to formulate the hypothesis that to the extent that the website is designed with the relevant elements, it is It is possible that hardware stores can use it to display their products and sell more digitally. This research is qualitative with the descriptive method to obtain the elements that the website should contain, as results it is expected to be able to match what the competition has established as much as possible and something that has been concluded is that the consumer wants a practical site, friendly and intuitive.


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Author Biographies

Adolfo Vázquez Ruiz , Instituto Tecnológico Superior José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez

Raúl Arzeta Flores, Instituto Tecnológico Superior José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez


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Libro impreso

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How to Cite

Ordaz Celedón, M. A., Vázquez Ruiz , A., & Arzeta Flores, R. (2025). Website predesign for small hardware companies. Vinculategica Efan, 11(1), 107–121.