Perception of academic plagiarism in introductory programming students in higher education




academic plagiarism, programming, higher level, plagiarism factors


Academic plagiarism is a problem of educational concern at the higher education level. This article aims to show the results of a study focused on describing the students' perception of this malpractice. The research approach was mixed to establish aspects of the research topic, in the context of the institution, faculty performance, and student behavior. The scope of the study is exploratory, descriptive, and cross-sectional. The sample is made up of 102 participants, which correspond to the first-semester students of the subject Introduction to Programming at a higher level. The application of an instrument composed of 88 questions was considered, of which the validity and reliability test was carried out, obtaining a very acceptable value (α = .937). The results show that plagiarism is not just a matter of copying and pasting but rather may be due to behaviors that students engage in with their peers and that they might not consider as bad. In conclusion, it highlights the need to apply a holistic approach, emphasizing the promotion of academic integrity on the part of both students and teachers.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Moreno, L. A., Moreno-Reyes, H., & Martínez-Ruiz3, H. (2024). Perception of academic plagiarism in introductory programming students in higher education. Vinculatégica EFAN, 10(4), 167–184.