Digital Transformation in Higher Education: 4.0 Tools in Industrial Engineering and Administration Teachers at the UANL
4.0 Industry, 4.0 ToolsAbstract
Industry 4.0 seeks to redefine the way technology is interacted with in the workplace and education, presenting both challenges and opportunities for improvement. This research analyzes the impact of 4.0 tools on university teaching of the Industrial Engineering and Administration degree at the UANL. The objective is to know what 4.0 tools teachers use, their opinion on the matter and how they integrate them into their teaching practice. As a first point, a documentary review was carried out about the research topic, then a descriptive exploratory study was carried out, using a survey of teachers as a measurement instrument; 41 samples were obtained from the survey applied, highlighting the predominant use of cloud storage with 78% and that the greatest limitation considered is connectivity with 40%. Although there is willingness towards online classes and investment in 4.0 tools, the need to address barriers such as connectivity for their effective integration in higher education is identified. Tools such as virtual and augmented reality show limited use but suggest untapped potential in the adoption of more advanced technologies in the teaching-learning process.
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