El papel del docente en los procesos de innovación educativa





Educational innovation, Graduate profile, Multidisciplinary group, Teacher profile


Learning environments now face a greater challenge in having to be designed for groups of students with multidisciplinary professional profiles within the classroom, with a deep penetration of ICT in their school and personal life and in the development of subjects involving a high degree of investigative and writing skills. The research focused on analyzing how the disciplinary composition of the groups, innovation in educational materials, the graduate profile and the profile of the teacher, are adjusted for the promotion of learning within the subject. It was found that in these challenging environments, the teacher becomes an essential coordinating and facilitating element for the achievement of competencies of the graduate profile, not only derived from its role within constructivist environments, but also by the role related to educational innovation, which leads him to be an expert that updated in both the disciplinary contents and the constant search for innovative educational resources.


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How to Cite

García-García, A. M. T., & Piñón-Vargas, M. (2019). El papel del docente en los procesos de innovación educativa . Vinculategica Efan, 3(3), 245–251. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga3.3-1064