Factores Clave en la Generación y Desarrollo Empresarial


  • María Margarita Carrera-Sánchez Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Abel Partida-Puente Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Cristina Herrera-Alvarado Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml




Business management, Internal perception control, Self-esteem, Planning, Motivation


While development this research, we applied a measurement instrument that is structured in three parts and describes the variables that have a positive impact on the generation and business development in college students. The first part describes the general data, the second the student's perception of the career of public accountant as an entrepreneur and in the third part is the independent variable Creation and Business Development and the dependent variables that were evaluated, which are: Internal 253 Perceived Control, Self-Esteem, Planning and Vision of Future, Innovation and Motivation of Achievement. Per the results obtained from this research work, the key factors that have a positive impact on business development and generation are. From what can be concluded that Innovation, per this study impacts with 50.9% while The Motivation of Achievement with a 38.1%, it can be demonstrated that, to a greater innovation and motivation of achievement, the college students have a positive effect in the creation and business development.


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How to Cite

Carrera-Sánchez, M. M., Partida-Puente, A., & Herrera-Alvarado, C. (2018). Factores Clave en la Generación y Desarrollo Empresarial. Vinculategica Efan, 3(3), 252–260. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga3.3-1065