El Efecto de los Equipos de Trabajo Multidisciplinarios en la Creatividad Organizacional
Comunicación, Creatividad, Cultura, Equipos multidisciplinariosAbstract
The importance of working in multidisciplinary teams lies in the enrichment and improvement of effectiveness as a result of the combination of different skills and abilities of the people, even so, now days, creativity is a skill that only a few companies dominate and, therefore, it is necessary to measure the impact of multidisciplinary teams on organizational creativity. It is for this reason that the objective of this article of investigation is to identify a theoretical model that allows to describe how the multidisciplinary team work generates an interdisciplinary communication that has an impact in the culture of the organization bringing with it creativity in the company, to do this, the methodology was based on a theoretical analysis through a comprehensive review of articles from journals dealing with human resources, creativity and innovation as well as textbooks that helps us to support the variables of the proposed theoretical model. As a result, the study contributes to describe the relationship between work in multidisciplinary teams and creativity.
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