Liderazgo de la administración general en un corporativo privado


  • Abraham Rosiles-Villalobos Coatzacoalcos University Center image/svg+xml
  • Claudia González-Montejo Coatzacoalcos University Center
  • Jesús Alberto Prieto-Urbano Coatzacoalcos University Center image/svg+xml



transformational leadership, transactional leadership, collaborators


Nowadays, organizations need to be managed by leaders capable of leading each of their collaborators to success. The objective of this research work was to identify the leadership style that prevails in the general administration of the corporate VYA Asesores located in the city of Acayucan, Veracruz. For this, a census was applied to 25 employees using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) compilation tool designed by Bass & Avolio and adapted to the Latin American context by Vega & Zavala (2004). The main results indicate that the level of Transformational Leadership (TFL) is the predominant and scored 4.15 / 5; highlighting the subvariable Charisma / Inspirational, a hierarchy that according to Bass & Avolio the leader gives subordinates a sense of clear purpose, vision of the future, behaviors that serve as role models, always assuming congruent attitudes between what they say and what they do. As a recommendation, it is suggested that the general administration concludes its process of organizational restructuring and that it contemplates an incentive program for its employees.


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How to Cite

Rosiles-Villalobos, A., González-Montejo, C., & Prieto-Urbano, J. A. (2019). Liderazgo de la administración general en un corporativo privado. Vinculatégica EFAN, 5(1), 594–609.