La innovación social como oportunidad de inmersión a mercados emergentes. Caso de estudio: Cannor Oriente - Valle de Tenza, Boyacá, Colombia


  • Laura Lucia Colmenares-Botia Pilot University of Colombia image/svg+xml
  • Laura Katerine Torres-Forero Ibero-American University Corporation image/svg+xml
  • Edwin Leonardo Méndez-Ortiz Pilot University of Colombia image/svg+xml



social innovation, trading, internationalization, local development, emerging markets


The social innovation encourages within the territo-ries where it is evidenced, a series of positive transformations, that allow us to see improvements in the quality of life of the beneficiary population. This in turn is materialized in a greater commitment and also a continuous improvement in good productive, organizational and environmental practices. All this can be considered as an opportunity factor, which if is potentialized allow the access to the emerging markets, whose requirements demand not only the use of innovation tools related to the use of information and communication technologies, but also proof of processes of social transformation that reflect the local development of the territories interested in being part of this commercial conjuncture. Taking account all the above, the present text intends to expose from a study of case the possibility to finding in social innovation a tool of immersion to challenging markets such as emerging markets.


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How to Cite

Colmenares-Botia, L. L., Torres-Forero, L. K., & Méndez-Ortiz, E. L. (2019). La innovación social como oportunidad de inmersión a mercados emergentes. Caso de estudio: Cannor Oriente - Valle de Tenza, Boyacá, Colombia. Vinculategica Efan, 5(1), 620–630.