Tax awareness: Good tax practices




Optimal taxation, tax evasion and avoidance


Tax awareness denotes the personal stance of a taxpayer towards his tax duties and the way he internalizes and contextualizes his behavior towards them, as well as the recognition of the tax benefits and incentives that tax administrations offer to their taxpayers. The proposed research had the objective of confronting these procedures with the described theory with the purpose of concluding in healthy practices, which could be assumed by both the active and the passive subject in a State. This article was approached from the qualitative research approach that provided depth to the data and interpretative richness, starting with a documentary and theoretical review, to know the phenomenon and its context, then an interview was applied to a group of experts, the instrument used was a semi-structured interview. The results mainly conclude that tax education is one of the most effective tools to achieve tax compliance and better tax morale, and that theory is often discordant with the thinking and personal reasoning of the taxpayer in a State, thus influencing his performance in relation to his duties with the tax authorities.


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Author Biographies

Iván Alejandro Rueda-Fierro, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador

Profesor PUCE Ecuador


Ph.d. en Administración Universidad Nacional de Rosario Argentina.

Jean Martín Tamayo-Aguilar, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador

Escuela Politécnica Nacional -Grado

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador- Posgrado

Actualmente cursa sus estudios doctorales en México.


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How to Cite

Tamayo-Galarza, G., Rueda-Fierro, I. A., & Tamayo-Aguilar, J. M. (2024). Tax awareness: Good tax practices. Vinculategica Efan, 10(1), 89–104.