Mirror class as a teaching strategy in Financial Mathematics: A case study.





internationalization, mirror class, collaborative strategy, teaching-learning, ICT


The objective of the case study is to solve a set of questions about the didactic strategy called mirror class, through a methodology that delimits a descriptive scope and a mixed approach. A data collection instrument composed of 33 items was designed and IBM-SPSS statistical software was used. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 67 students of the subject Financial Mathematics in two higher education programs of two institutions: FACPYA and the Konrad Lorenz University Foundation. A statistical analysis of the results is presented by means of tables and graphs. The instrument used measures motivational factors: attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. Results were obtained with very high values. The students indicate that the mirror classes are attractive and easy to learn. They also show their interest in living the experience again in the future. They emphasize the relevance and pertinence of the contents of the mirror class; they refer positive comments on the activity developed, making clear their appreciation for this type of experience. When evaluating the participation of teachers and peers, they suggest a positive value judgment. Areas of opportunity were identified.


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How to Cite

Tovar-Morales, M. T., Hernández-Moreno, L. A., & Hernández-Saldaña, M. de L. (2024). Mirror class as a teaching strategy in Financial Mathematics: A case study. Vinculategica Efan, 10(1), 136–156. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga10.1-471