Behavioral factors in human capital that impact on adaptation to teleworking: a literature review
adaptation, teleworking, technoestrés, work in virtual teams, work well -being – family, home officeAbstract
At present, adaptation to teleworking is something that several companies face, the concept of adaptation to teleworking has various approaches and names; as well as different theories and unidimensional and multidimensional models, empirical studies, taking into account that factors such as technoestrés (TEC), virtual team work (TEV) and family working well -being (BTF) can impact adaptation to teleworking ( At).The objective of this work is to carry out a literature review in order to identify the impact of these factors on adaptation to telecommuting. The literature review was carried out from the quantitative - deductive perspective. In the results, 3 hypotheses are suggested, which are raised in the graphic model and that are based on the theory found and existing that relates the adaptation to teleworking with the TEC, TEV and BTF. The present research can contribute in future investigations and grant elements that are of interest to Mexican organizations, which within the current context in which they are in the wake of the pandemic have the need to study and develop tools that allow generating greater understanding and Therefore a more successful adaptation of teleworking in its human capital.
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