The profile of the university entrepreneur and its influence for regional economic development in the state of Guerrero


  • Rubén Hernández-Chavarría Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Citlalli Arroyo-Rosas Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Gabriela del Carmen Rivero-Solana Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero



Education, social entrepreneurship, economic development


The study analyzes the capacities to develop social entrepreneurship projects in a group of university students from Guerrero. The method was quantitative with a non-experimental descriptive design in a sample of 194 students from the accounting and administration careers. To support the research, a survey and interviews were used. The results show the need to adapt educational programs to the new normality generated by Covid-19, since, despite the challenges of addressing environmental problems, there is still the influence of seeing entrepreneurship opportunities with the skills acquired from student body with possibilities of improving the competitive levels of the region. In conclusion, the profile of the entrepreneur regarding the intention to develop projects on a social and sustainable economy is moderate, which shows that it is necessary to reinforce the level of orientation and initiatives that promote social entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Chavarría, R., Arroyo-Rosas, C., & Rivero-Solana, G. del C. (2024). The profile of the university entrepreneur and its influence for regional economic development in the state of Guerrero. Vinculatégica EFAN, 10(3), 69–81.