Design And Validation Of A Questionnaire To Measure Job Turnover Intention
Questionnaire design, Questionnaire validation, Turnover intentionAbstract
One strategy for the management of human talent is the retention of personnel, which is linked to the reduction of turnover intention. The objective of this study is to design and validate an instrument to measure turnover intention in manufacturing companies, especially in the textile industry. The design of the questionnaire was carried out by means of a bibliographic review for the search of conceptual definitions, as well as of previously elaborated instruments; while the validation was carried out by means of a content validation, by experts, as well as a factorial validation; ending with a reliability analysis. The instrument was applied to 200 workers (28% men and 72% women) working in textile companies. The initially designed questionnaire consisted of 16 items, and after the content review it was reduced to 12 items, which were used for the factor analysis, achieving a further reduction to 10 items. The reliability of the validated instrument was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which reached a value of 0.888. The statistical results of the validation of the questionnaire have been significant, allowing us to obtain an instrument that will serve as a starting point for future research.
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