Análisis de los emprendimientos trending exitosos en Kickstarter México y sus redes de difusión de la campaña




Crowdfunding, Emprendimiento, Promotor, Red social


The research aimed to identify the possible impact that
characteristics associated with the campaign promoter,
financing campaign and the network used for its
dissemination on Twitter.
To achieve this, 400 successful trending campaigns
published in Kickstarter Mexico from May to
September 2019, were analyzed with descriptive
statistics and with the use of social network analysis
Empirical evidence indicates that the promoter
influences the success of the financing campaign,
especially on the amount of capital raised and the
number of times the initial financial goal is exceeded.
Regarding the impact derived from the structure of the
network used for the publication of the campaign, a
possible relationship with the success of the campaign,
has not yet been conclusively established, however, it
has allowed to outline the impact of some factors. 


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How to Cite

García-Garcia, A. M., Tapia-Hernández, J., & Piñón Vargas, M. (2020). Análisis de los emprendimientos trending exitosos en Kickstarter México y sus redes de difusión de la campaña. Vinculatégica EFAN, 6(1), 144–157.