Impacto de las TIC’s en la formación integral de estudiantes universitarios
Entornos de aprendizaje constructivista, Formación integral, Uso de las TICAbstract
The transformation of a traditional educational model to
one characterized by the demands of a digitalized society
is a change that the vast majority of higher education
institutions worldwide are experiencing. This accelerated
scientific and technological transition, which characterizes
the society of the 21st century, demands education changes
in the training, particularly focused on the comprehensive
training of students to be able to adapt to new global
scenarios and deal with the problems that these bring with
them. Virtual environments, such as computer media that
favor education and therefore promote learning, allow the
teacher to implement teaching strategies that lead to the
development of skills and abilities in students, making
them able to meet the demands of the current globalized
world. That is why in the present study is analyzed through
a survey applied to 120 students of a public institution of
higher level the role of Higher Education Institutions (IES),
to guide their efforts in promoting the comprehensive
education of the student mobilizing the competences,
developing an analytical, critical, creative and proactive
thought through the use of the TIC as well as the perception
of the own student in the use of them
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