Modelo de Gestión de la Información para el clima laboral en la organización, a partir de la escala de valores humanos




Modelo, Modelo de gestión de la información, mejora continua, clima laboral, Escala de Valores Humanos


This research analyzes one of the fundamental aspects
that determine human behavior either in the personal
sphere or, in the case of this analysis, in the workplace,
which are human values. Through this information, a
model was developed that serves as a tool to identify and
anticipate behaviors in the technical personnel that make
up the organization's trust structure, since they are
responsible for executing work plans and programs
aimed at achievement of the goals and objectives of the
company and in the same way they are responsible
through their behavior and attitudes, to promote in their
environment a favorable work environment for the
manual personnel who are in charge, contributing to the
results that are They expect the organization, thereby
achieving continuous improvement. 


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How to Cite

Guzmán-Obando, J., Martínez-Garcia, M. E., & Valenzuela-Fernández , J. R. (2020). Modelo de Gestión de la Información para el clima laboral en la organización, a partir de la escala de valores humanos . Vinculategica Efan, 6(1), 416–428.