Factores de motivación al logro de estudiantes de IGEM de una IES pública





Factores de motivación, Logro, Percepción


This paper presents the results of a research aimed at
analyzing the motivational factors for achievement in
students of Engineering in Business Management (IGEM)
of the Higher Technological Institute of Acayucan (ITSA),
all this, from their own perspective. This research has an
analytical character, in addition to having a cross section.
For this, the survey technique was used, through a
questionnaire called: Motivation Questionnaire in
University Students (MOEU), which is composed of two
dimensions; the first identifies the importance that the
student gives to the factors and aspects of motivation to the
achievement; the second, measures the degree of
motivation or demotivation that students present in their
intrinsic and extrinsic elements, determined by the
fulfillment of the task, the ego, the social assessment and
the achievement of external rewards. The hypothesis that
was raised is the following: The aspects of intrinsic
motivation affect the motivation to achieve the IGTS
students of ITSA. The data were obtained in the period
August-December 2017, in a sample of 220 IGEM
students, the results show that both factors (intrinsic and
extrinsic) are equally important in the student's own
motivation. In addition, characteristics such as
employment status and age do not represent significant
differences for the study variable. On the other hand, the
gender characteristic did present significant difference for


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How to Cite

De Jesus-Alvarez, J. N., & Sánchez-Zeferino, D. E. (2020). Factores de motivación al logro de estudiantes de IGEM de una IES pública. Vinculatégica EFAN, 6(1), 463–475. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga6.1-594