Perspectivas teóricas de las características del uso de la industria 4.0




Industria 4.0, Infraestructura, Productividad, PYMES, Tecnologías de información, Transformación digital


With the term Industry 4.0 refers to the Fourth
Industrial Revolution in which technology is a
definitive value of the expansion of a Project.
Therefore, SMEs must make a technological
investment to adjust the means to the corporate
purpose. This revolution shows an increase in the
amount of data handled by the business; however,
technological intelligence facilitates a quick reading
of that information. This scenario is also defined by
a greater proximity relationship with the customer
since Industry 4.0 also involves the final customer.
The main objective of this research is to determine
the characteristics that help to increase the
productivity of SMEs through the use of Industry
4.0. To this end, the research question is the
following. What are the characteristics of the use of
the Industry 4.0 in SMEs that allow increasing the
productivity of these companies? The next step is to
think that other technologies can help boost your
company productivity.


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How to Cite

Villarreal González, R. E., & Ramírez Corzo, J. A. (2020). Perspectivas teóricas de las características del uso de la industria 4.0. Vinculatégica EFAN, 6(1), 330–343.