La relación del clima organizacional y el desempeño laboral en educación superior


  • Norma Angélica Pedraza-Melo Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml
  • Lisseth Marlene Álvarez-de León Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml
  • Isaí Rodolfo Cruz-Fuentes Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml



capital humano, clima organizacional, desempeño laboral, educación superior


The relationship between the organizational climate
and work performance was analyzed, from the
perception of teachers. The results are preliminary
from the pilot of the questionnaire. A non-probabilistic
sample of 58 respondents was formed, which
represents the basis for exploring the reliability of the
scale before the final application. To assess its internal
consistency, Cronbach's alpha was determined,
obtaining adequate indices. The exploratory factor
analysis was applied to identify the underlying
structure of organizational climate and work
performance factors; Subsequently, the Spearman
coefficient was run to validate the associations
between variables, which allowed us to confirm that
the work environment does show positive associations
with work performance. These findings are relevant
for educational management to value the importance
of fighting for the gestation of positive work
environments, for the convenience that this implies for
the performance of workers.


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How to Cite

Pedraza-Melo, N. A., Álvarez-de León, L. M., & Cruz-Fuentes, I. R. (2020). La relación del clima organizacional y el desempeño laboral en educación superior . Vinculatégica EFAN, 6(1), 476–492.