El uso de las apps como herramienta de promoción en las empresas turísticas





Aplicaciones móviles, promoción, turismo


The current tourist is a user who manages technology
and who demands numerous information regarding the
place he visits. For many years, tourism has been
promoted through multiple means, including mobile
applications, which are being the tool used by the
sector to publicize its offer in order to optimize
travelers' experiences. The study was based on a
descriptive documentary research with a qualitative
approach, secondary sources were consulted to study
the phenomenon, in this case the tourist mobile
applications with the aim of knowing the different
types used by organizations through a digital tool. In
conclusion, businesses dedicated to the sector use
Apps to promote their products. In addition to
providing information, advice, encourage the influx of
visitors to various attractive places and increase the
taste and appreciation for the destinations that the
traveler visits.


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How to Cite

Navarrete-Torres, M. del C., García-Muñoz Aparicio, C., & &-Sánchez, R. O. B. (2020). El uso de las apps como herramienta de promoción en las empresas turísticas. Vinculatégica EFAN, 6(1), 553–564. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga6.1-606