Efectos fiscales del contrato de mutuo para el contribuyente


  • Sara Guadalupe Avilés-Félix Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Berenice Martínez-Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0493-9854




Efectos fiscales, Contrato mutuo, Préstamo


The purpose of this investigation is to provide information
to taxpayers on the conclusion of the mutual agreement, a
contractual figure that allows to support, the loan
operations in money, agreed between natural persons. As
a result of this, what are the tax effects regarding ISR and
IVA of the loans received and granted between natural
persons indicated by the tax authority?
The present research work, in the first introductory
chapter, mentions the background, problem definition,
justification, hypothesis, and study objectives.
In the second chapter the theoretical framework is
structured with the main concepts related to the mutual
agreement and its effects, part of this chapter is also made
up of the legal and fiscal aspects.
The third chapter makes mention of the descriptive
methodology with qualitative cut used to obtain the
results, with the aim of confirming the objectives for
which this research was carried out.
In the fourth chapter the results obtained after the
application of population surveys are detailed, graphing
these results for analysis, consequently the findings
described in this same chapter of the research work are


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How to Cite

Avilés-Félix, S. G., & Martínez-Pérez, B. (2020). Efectos fiscales del contrato de mutuo para el contribuyente. Vinculategica Efan, 6(1), 780–795. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga6.1-630