Análisis de la nueva reforma laboral en méxico




Reforma Laboral, Justicia Laboral, Seguridad, Salud, sindicatos


On May 1, 2019, the Decree by which various
provisions of the Federal Labor Law, the Organic Law
of the Judicial Power of the Federation, and the Federal
Law are reformed, added and repealed were published
in the Official Gazette of the Federation. of the Public
Defender's Office, the Law of the Institute of the
National Housing Fund for Workers and the Social
Security Law in matters of Labor Justice, Trade Union
Freedom and Negotiations.
The protection of freedom of association and
collective bargaining are the main guiding principles
of this reform; the bases of operation are established to
guarantee union representations, through the exercise
of direct, free and secret vote, as well as the
participation of workers in collective negotiation,
which translates into a transformation of collective
labor relations.
In this research the aim is to analyze the main
modifications to the Mexico’s 2019 Federal Labor
Law, in terms of: Labor Justice, Occupational Health
and Safety and Social Security for domestic workers.
This document will share and analyze the opinions of
experts in the field of knowledge, in order to discover
who comes to benefits and who are basically harmed
by this new Labor Reform.


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How to Cite

Ortiz-Guzmán, A., Guerra-Rodríguez, P., & Barragán-Codina, J. N. (2024). Análisis de la nueva reforma laboral en méxico. Vinculatégica EFAN, 6(1), 920–929.