El impacto de la variable generacional en la formación de los comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional: El caso de una empresa siderúrgica internacional.
Comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional, Diversidad generación, edadAbstract
Currently the Organizational Citizenships Behavior (OCB)
are factors that make organizational success, because they
provide an access on environmental adaptation, further the
age develops like an element that directly contribute on the
productivity and the performance worker’s, this study
analyzes the relationship between both variables, these in the
providers that belong a valor chair on international
steelmaking. It was designed a quantitative and transversal
study, where was applied an instrument with 29 items, a total
population of 87 provides of this company, likewise was
realized a correlation analysis, like independent variable age,
and dependent variable are OCB. The results are evidenced
that independent variable doesn’t influence on the dependent
variable because the significant levels are founded above the
stipulated range.
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