Análisis demográfico de las empresas en la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey




demografía empresarial, Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey, esperanza de vida


The main goal of the article is to analyze the life expectancy at birth of the companies located in the municipalities of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area. This research uses the perspective of business demography, which is a recent approach that allows the tools of demographic analysis to be applied to companies in some territory. The statistics published by INEGI’s Economic Censuses are analyzed. The main results indicate that the highest life expectancy at birth occurs in Apodaca and San Pedro Garza Garcia, meanwhile the lowest indicators occur in General Escobedo and Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

Barboza-Lara, C., & Sifuentes-Rodríguez, M. (2020). Análisis demográfico de las empresas en la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey . Vinculategica Efan, 6(2), 1490–1501.