¿Cómo reinvertarse para ser competitivos en la Industria 4.0?


  • Adriana Nayeli Reséndiz-Prado Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Sandra Maribel Torres-Mansur Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Sandra Imelda Placeres-Salinas Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml




Habilidades transversales, Industria 4.0, Revolución Industrial


In the current environment of global competition, technological development and innovation, companies are forced to reconfigure their processes, thus forcing people to reinvent themselves in order to become competitive in Industry 4.0. The purpose of this research is to identify trends in the skills that professionals need to develop in order to be competitive, for which an in-depth bibliographic review has been used, so we can conclude that, although the changes it brings, the fourth industrial revolution has abruptly modified the way of doing business and where, definitely, digital skills are fundamental, soft skills are also required to complement human development within organizations.


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How to Cite

Reséndiz-Prado, A. N., Torres-Mansur, S. M., & Placeres-Salinas, S. I. (2020). ¿Cómo reinvertarse para ser competitivos en la Industria 4.0? . Vinculategica Efan, 6(2), 1502–1512. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga6.2-657