Valoración de la empresa orientada al mercado de capitales: Hallazgos de la investigación empírica del mercado de capitales y métodos de valoración alternativos


  • Maria Scheliga-Manrico Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml



Capital, CAPM, Calificación, Acciones, Anomalías, Valoración


The results of the capital market research show that the CAPM cannot explain the profitability of the shares and those other models, for example, Fama & French, are of limited use. Other studies even suggest that companies with low risk and good credit ratings outperform stocks. The anomalies of an inefficient capital market question the valuation oriented to the capital market and lead to the recommendation to derive the value of the company based on the risk of earnings, that is, without data from the capital market on the object of valuation.


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How to Cite

Scheliga-Manrico, M. (2020). Valoración de la empresa orientada al mercado de capitales: Hallazgos de la investigación empírica del mercado de capitales y métodos de valoración alternativos . Vinculategica Efan, 6(2), 1542–1557.