Ámbitos tecnológicos empresariales y su pertinencia en el uso de software SAP educativo


  • Leonor Gutiérrez-González Autonomous University of Coahuila image/svg+xml
  • Cesar Rolando Barboza-Lara Autonomous University of Coahuila image/svg+xml
  • Magaly Jaqueline Macias-Juárez Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila image/svg+xml




tecnología, empresa, acaemia, instituciones educación superior, competitividad


The research work was descriptive with a quantitative approach, the general objective was to evaluate the perception of the practice of SAPGBI and ERPSIM software, the academic contribution and its contribution to the work environment. The theory shows studies on the benefit of technology in the company and its incorporation as an essential element in the accounting and administrative disciplines of educational institutions. 342 students from the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of the Autonomous University of Coahuila were surveyed. The most significant variables: learning, competitive advantage, positioning, business technology, teamwork, focus on reality and multidisciplinary contribution. The positive statistical results are: significance of learning in technology to comply with a more competitive work environment, analysis of results and financial decision making with input from the team. In conclusion, by increasing technological ability, competitive advantage of graduates in the business sector is achieved.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-González, L., Barboza-Lara, C. R., & Macias-Juárez, M. J. (2020). Ámbitos tecnológicos empresariales y su pertinencia en el uso de software SAP educativo. Vinculategica Efan, 6(2), 1581–1591. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga6.2-668