Códigos QR en actividades académicas de nivel superior
Códigos QR, enseñanza-aprendizaje, negocios, innovaciónAbstract
Technological advances bring about changes in society, so we can see how organizations and educational institutions have been incorporating various technologies to support their processes. In the educational context as support in the teaching-learning process and by the side of the companies as a resource incorporated in their processes or business strategies. This allows us to point out as a general objective of this study that the student acquires the necessary knowledge about QR codes in the educational and business contexts to be able to create and interact with them. Also, it integrates how knowledge can be given and the competences that can be developed in the students in the path of learning and working with such technology. The focus of the study is of a qualitative type with an exploratory and descriptive scope. The method used to define the sample consisted of a randomized design that was not probabilistic for convenience, and it was made up of a group of 170 students from the Information Technology degree course. To fulfill the objective, measuring instruments of the questionnaire type were applied and practical work experience was developed in which there was a previous training. Finally, as a result, 88.6% consider that the activity was satisfactory, due to the functionalities or benefits that the students found in the application of this technology in the educational and business environments.
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