Análisis de seguridad laboral
accidente de trabajo, seguridad laboral, riesgos de trabajoAbstract
The safety in the employment is a right of all the employees that worldwide is regulated, nevertheless in spite of it they continue appearing cases of labor risks which can be formed as work accidents, distance or occupational disease the present study realizes an analysis of the cases of risk that they presented in national Mexico from the numbers presented by the Mexican Institute of the Social Insurance of the exercise 2016, with the general mission to analyze if the industrial accidents have correlation with the wage that perceive the employees and the number of active workers using the model of Pearson, like secondary target to identify the states with greater incidence of labor risks using statistical of frequency, as well as to generate information for the prevention, control and monitoring of the work risks. As results of a significant correlation between the industrial accidents and the number of contracted employees is obtained positive, also a weak inverse correlation of the accidents with the wage exists that the employees perceive.
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