Estrategias de financiamiento para las MIPyMES




strategies, business, financig


This research paper describes the financing strategies that impact the operational decisions of the entrepreneurs in charge of MIPyMES in Mexico. The present analysis used the descriptive and explanatory research that allowed to investigate in the diverse sources of information for the obtaining of data and to establish the strategies of financing and public governmental support, that the micro, small and medium enterprises can access. Once the results were obtained, the interpretation and the necessary recommendations were made to solve this problem in order to find solutions for entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Juárez-Ibarra, G., Alanís-Gómez, L., & Gatica-Medrano, A. E. (2018). Estrategias de financiamiento para las MIPyMES. Vinculategica Efan, 4(2), 460–464.