La gestión del conocimiento en una muestra de trabajadores de empresas manufactureras en el Estado de Aguascalientes


  • Patricia Janet Padilla-Ornelas Autonomous University of Aguascalientes image/svg+xml
  • María Del Carmen Martínez-Serna Autonomous University of Aguascalientes image/svg+xml



gestión del conocimiento, teoría de los recursos y capacidades


This research proposes a study on Knowledge Management (KM) in manufacturing companies established in the state of Aguascalientes. It is a study applied to 106 companies of different sizes in the industrial sector, also considering the gender of the directors, which expands the possibilities of analysis and comparison with other studies on knowledge management practices. The objective of this research was to analyze the practices of knowledge management in organizations established in the state of Aguascalientes and to determine if the size or gender of the director has a positive impact on these practices. A descriptive methodology was used, based on the application of personal questionnaires in which managers, managers or owners of the economic units participated, people with the power to make decisions in their company. It is a cross-sectional study. The results obtained corroborate the stipulations of other researches in the international context that establish positive characteristics in the organizations that perform KM practices regardless of the size or sector to which they belong


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How to Cite

Padilla-Ornelas, P. J., & Martínez-Serna, M. D. C. (2018). La gestión del conocimiento en una muestra de trabajadores de empresas manufactureras en el Estado de Aguascalientes. Vinculategica Efan, 4(2), 535–542.