La productividad en los equipos de trabajo intergeneracionales
productividad, equipos de trabajo, generacionesAbstract
The purpose of this investigation is to find out how the factors of communication, motivation, training and incentives in the work teams, which are a group of people who work to achieve a better process can contribute to the achievement of productivity, which is known as the ability the produce more and better satisfiers with equal or less resources, said equipment are intergenerational since they are formed by Baby Boomers (1946 to 1964) dedicated to work, have difficulty to adapt to technology and knowledge transfer; Generation X (1965 to 1980) seeks to enjoy their work, in other words they work to live not living to work; and the Generation Y Millennials (1981 to 2000) are big fans of technologies, online shopping, social networks, and are always willing to share their experiences (Manpower, 2010). Therefore it is sought that these three generations can enrich the achievement of productivity within organizations with their different personal characteristics and interests that distinguish them.
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