Retos que supone una era digital a los estudiantes en el desarrollo de habilidades TIC
tic, habilidades, ansiedad, comportamiento, utilidadAbstract
The digital age has driven the technological teams such as computers, cell phones and tablets to take an important place in the training of the students of the schools and in the professional life of almost all the sciences. We often give for a fact that students have the mastery and basic skills of information and communication technologies (ICT), however, it has been confirmed that not all students are equally proficient in this regard. Based on the different studies carried out and the theories of socialization and the acceptance of technology, a model of structural equations (MES) is built to explore the variance in the basic levels of ICT skills of students in a school of business. We present results of a test made with students who entered the semester January-June 2018 in the four different careers that are given at the school. ICT skills were measured using a questionnaire that allows participants to qualify their skills in detail. Our results show that according to the impact value tables between constructs and the significance between constructs the skills have a significant negative impact on the side of the anxiety/behavior and on the part of the Utility there is a strong and significant impact.
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