Validación de un instrumento de investigación para medir factores del capital humano
Capital humano, desempeño económico, desempeño competitivo, desarrollo organizacional, cuestionario de investigaciónAbstract
Based on previous research by Herrera (2017), a questionnaire of 84 questions was conducted with the objective of conducting research on human capital factors, plus economic performance and competitive performance of companies in the hotel sector of the South of Tamaulipas. The factors of human capital are part of this research: the updating of knowledge or training, academic training or years of study, professional experience, the professional motivation of employees, the skills of employees and organizational development. The questionnaire was a pilot field investigation with 30 study subjects and then revised the articles with the Cronbach's Alpha with the valid characteristics of the confidence of the problem. This work gives a practical, theoretical and methodological contribution because it allows future researchers, some of the mentioned elements, as well as new definitions that can increase the state of the art
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