El consumo responsable y el estatus


  • Adriana Flores-Domínguez, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila image/svg+xml




social status, responsible consumption, consumer behavior


The purpose of this study is the analysis of responsible consumption and the relationship with social status acquired by users who are responsible for the environment. It is intended to know what the current trends are to reduce pollution using products that also generate value in society and contribute to the formation of personal image. The objective is to analyze the profile of the consumer through exploratory research in secondary sources to understand the behavior of those who seek to have a higher social status through responsible consumption behaviors and their motivators


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How to Cite

Flores-Domínguez, A. (2019). El consumo responsable y el estatus . Vinculategica Efan, 5(1), 107–114. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga5.1-835