El análisis de la Orientación Emprendedora por medio de ecuaciones estructurales en la PYME guanajuatense del sector cuero-calzado
Orientación Emprendedora, PLS-SEM, Toma de Riesgos, Innovación, PYMEAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyze the Entrepreneurial Orientation (OE) construct in small and medium-sized companies (SMES) in Guanajuato in the leather-footwear sector. To carry out the study, information was collected from 170 managers, mainly in the region of León. The designed model was contrasted through a system of structural equations by partial least squares (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS® software. The results indicate that companies reflect OE mainly due to the dimensions of risk-taking and innova- tion. The dimension of autonomy has a low impact and aggressive competitiveness is not significant in this sector. The results of this study serve managers, researchers and government officials to gui- de the application and research efforts of entrepreneurial strategies in managerial practice in one of the sectors with the greatest tradi- tion and economic importance for the Mexican bajío region.
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