Factores que favorecen la optimización de funciones de mano de obra en una empresa metal-mecánica
multitareas, costo de mano de obra, resistencia al cambio.Abstract
The proposed factors that were considered in this study to achieve a cost optimization were: slender work teams, multitask production staff, resistance to change and labor costs. During the development of the same two independent variables stood out to test the model: X2 : Multitask production personnel and X4 : Labor costs, which are linearly associated with the dependent variable Y: Optimization of labor costs. Concluding that the area managers really are convin- ced of the importance of the development of multitask production personnel, without affecting the quality and efficiency in the work, notwithstanding the costs of hand of work that implies, are more expected benefits. The other two independent variables X1 : Lean working teams and X3 : Resistance to change were not sufficient to support this research.
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