Uso de Adobe Captivate para la creación de software multimedia interactivo: Un caso de éxito
educación, multimedia, software, tecnologías, universidadAbstract
This paper describes the use of Adobe Captivate by students of Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas at Facultad de Comercio, Administración y Ciencias Sociales in Nuevo Laredo to develop a technological project for the Natural History Museum in Nuevo Laredo. Its aim was to obtain functional interactive multimedia sof- tware in a short time and with few resources. The results showed that it was possible to easily achieve this objective. The interacti- vity level and the amount of multimedia resources used were high. The perception of students was positive. Authors propose to inclu- de Adobe Captivate as a support tool to create interactive multime- dia materials in university courses through strategies that include: motivation, training, development, tracing and evaluation.
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