México en la Era Digital Tributaria
comprobante fiscal digital, buzón tributario, contabilidad electrónica, BEPS, FATCAAbstract
Mexico has entered the digital tax era, since for several years, it decreed a series of tax reforms, which have helped to establish the bases for a digitalization of the taxpayer tax system, together with this, the Organization for the Cooperation and Economic Development and the United States of America, implemented tax compliance requirements, to force taxpayers to declare and pay their taxes in the correct manner. Through schemes such as electronic invoicing, tax mailbox and electronic accounting, Mexico intends to collect higher taxes. In this research, we studied the ways in which Mexico and other countries have established the control bases in a digital manner. The objective of this research is to identify the mechanisms that Mexico, the United States of America
and other international organizations have established different legal systems to persuade taxpayers to pay their
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