Cuidado ambiental factor de conocimiento en empresas IMMEX


  • José Luis Díaz-Roldán Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml
  • Juana Ortega-Trujillo Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml
  • Marisol Covarrubias-De La Cruz Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml



Prevención, Cuidado, Conocimiento


IMMEX companies as a productive engine must know how to take care of their environmental environments, Interns, work areas; the external ones, the neighborhood (towards the exterior of the company), these actions will exert an efficiency in the production, minimizing the costs of manufacture. These preventive and training acts to the employee, minimizes risks in the daily productive activity, avoid accidents, Influence the final cost of the product, seeking safe and efficient zones, which leads to the employee's attachment to the company, as this shows their concern for the safety and integrity of the employee. The vision that is obtained from the outside by these actions, is identified as a company responsible for the utility of the product, but also, of care towards the environment, avoiding deterioration of the environment.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Roldán, J. L., Ortega-Trujillo, J., & Covarrubias-De La Cruz, M. (2018). Cuidado ambiental factor de conocimiento en empresas IMMEX . Vinculatégica EFAN, 3(3), 72–86.