Análisis comparativo de la habilidad de solución de problemas en estudiantes iniciales y finales de ingeniería


  • Arlethe Yarí Aguilar-Villarreal Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Argelia Vargas-Moreno Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Leonardo Gabriel Hernández-Landa Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml



análisis, solución de problemas, estudiantes, ingeniería


The present descriptive comparative study analyzes the problem-solving skills of engineering students in northern Mexico, exploring the parity between the skills of those students who are starting off against those who are finishing the academic program. Factors such as selfperception of academic performance, work experience and inclination to entrepreneurship showed an impact on students' problem-solving skills. The independent variable analyzed in this research, as well as their respective internal scales, included: a) problem-solving skill, b) solution commitment, c) solution confidence, and d) solution methodology. The study showed no significant difference in problem-solving skills between the populations of engineering students starting off and those finishing the academic program. It is recommended to expand this study so that factors that affect the ability to solve problems can be better identified to encourage the continuous improvement of the academic program and to further advance a comprehensive education of future students.


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How to Cite

Aguilar-Villarreal, A. Y., Vargas-Moreno , A., & Hernández-Landa, L. . G. (2019). Análisis comparativo de la habilidad de solución de problemas en estudiantes iniciales y finales de ingeniería. Vinculategica Efan, 5(1), 636–657.