Diagnostic of the use ICT’s for the generation of financial information on MSMEs in Mexicali





Financial Information, MSMEs, Human Resources, ICT’s, Training


Currently there are several issues that MIPYMES face.  Therefore this research aims to justify that the lack of financial information generation through Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP) causes one of the main problems in MIPYMES. Some authors mention that the main factors influencing the survival of MIPYMES are lack of techonologies, innovation, staff training, product and quality. a survey was used to understand how the financial information generation, staff training and the entrepeneurs interest in using the information. Developing financial information allows the entrepeneur to observe the state of the busisness in progress and empowers them to make better decisions


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How to Cite

Espinoza-Bernal, A. N., Rodriguez-García, M. del P., & Oyervides-López, D. E. (2024). Diagnostic of the use ICT’s for the generation of financial information on MSMEs in Mexicali. Vinculategica Efan, 10(5), 38–49. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga10.5-968