Theoretical perspective on the factors of ISO 9001 systems that affect the fulfillment of educational visions.




Management competencies, Staff commitment, Process management, Strategic planning, Educational visions


The purpose of this research is to develop a theoretical model on the institutional management factors of ISO 9001 systems that affect the fulfillment of the educational visions of higher education institutions. Through a systematic review of the literature, in the period from 2011 to 2022 and using the search terms: institutional management, ISO 9001 and higher education, consulted in the EBSCO, JCR, SCOPUS and Google Scholar databases, it was found that the institutional management factors implicit in the ISO 9001 systems that could contribute to the achievement of the educational visions are: strategic planning, managerial competencies of managers, staff commitment and process management. It is intended that the results found be applied in future research to be empirically corroborated.


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How to Cite

Maldonado-Mesta, E., López Lira-Arjona, A., & Villalpando-Cadena, P. (2024). Theoretical perspective on the factors of ISO 9001 systems that affect the fulfillment of educational visions. Vinculategica Efan, 10(1), 68–88.