Componentes para el perfil de egreso del programa emprendedores co-creados a través de una metodología innovadora de diseño curricular
Emprendimiento, formación universitaria, innovación curricular, perfil de egresoAbstract
The objective of the study was to recognize the
components for the graduation profile of the
entrepreneurs program in a higher education institution
through an innovative methodology known as Design
Thinking, which invites co-creation, collaboration and
creation from the actors of the program, which allows
encounter the entrepreneurship needs for the future
entrepreneurs. In the qualitative interpretive study, 9
students and 9 professors from the undergraduate and
graduate levels participated in the study, of which 4
professors are full-time professors of the
entrepreneurship program. The result was the cocreation of the components for the graduation profile
of the entrepreneurial program, which stand out
attitudes related to values and emotional intelligence;
Procedural knowledge includes collaboration and
teamwork, and among the conceptual knowledge,
those related to the knowledge of the entrepreneurial
ecosystem are emphasized the ones that enable the
entrepreneurship project to actually happen.
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