Relación del clima y satisfacción laboral en una dependencia gubernamental




Clima Laboral, Satisfacción Laboral, dependencia gubernamental, organización, trabajadores


Public institutions in Mexico constitute the link between the state and
society, and are the ones who execute the political, economic and social
agreements; over the last decades, relevant interest has been shown in
the study of human behavior within their work environment and the
effect it has on the performance and productivity of the organization.
This research was of quantitative type, of correlational descriptive scope
and cross section; its general objective was to establish the relationship
between climate and job satisfaction from the perspective of the workers
of a government company in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz.
The Labor Climate Scale (CL-SPC) and the Labor Satisfaction Scale
(SL-SPC) instruments were applied, the total number of workers at all
organizational levels.
The results obtained indicate that for the variable work climate the
supervision factor stood out; while for the job satisfaction variable,
relationship with the authority was the best qualified; however, the
general perception is moderately favorable for both constructs and its
analysis proved that there is a relationship.


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How to Cite

Rosiles-Villalobos, A., González-Montejo, C., & Clara-Zafra, M. Ángel. (2020). Relación del clima y satisfacción laboral en una dependencia gubernamental . Vinculategica Efan, 6(1), 515–531.