Satisfacción laboral en el personal académico en universidades privadas: Estudio comparativo tri-continental.




satisfacción laboral, universidades, tricontinental, cultura


Nowadays, companies around the world are interested
in knowing the level of satisfaction of their employees,
considering it as a key factor for good job performance
inside the institution. Taking into consideration the
different positions on the strategies for the study of this
topic, this research used a validated survey to determine
the level of job satisfaction, allowing us to obtain results
from the universities of the different continents that
participated in our project. The intention is to present an
integrated level of satisfaction among the academic staff
of higher education institutions that participated in the
research, as well as the best and worst evaluated
variables, allowing us to identify appropriate strategies
for improvement in each of them. 


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How to Cite

Topkul, C. (2020). Satisfacción laboral en el personal académico en universidades privadas: Estudio comparativo tri-continental. Vinculatégica EFAN, 6(1), 571–586.