Capital Humano y Capital Organizacional, su Impacto Favorable en la Rentabilidad de la Industria Manufacturera


  • Lidia Yolanda Mercado-Carvajal Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Abel Partida-Puente Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml



Capital Humano, Capital Intangible, Capital Organizacional, Rentabilidad


There are metrics to measure the profitability of a Country, State or Industry, for the first two is GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and for Industry Net Profit, Return on Investment or Productivity among others. These include both Tangible Capitals, Financial or Infrastructure Resources, and Human and Organizational Intangible Capitals, elements identified in a Knowledge Management Model. The efficient administration of these capitals are decisive for the profitability of a company. Coahuila ranks 7th in contribution to national GDP, 4th in concentration of secondary activities and in the State Competitiveness Index it is number 5 nationally, identifying the southeast region of Coahuila where most of its manufacturing industry is concentrated. which is also reflected by occupying the 2nd place in the “Factors Market” category, that is, its human capital makes the state more attractive for talent and investment.


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How to Cite

Mercado-Carvajal, L. Y., & Partida-Puente, A. (2020). Capital Humano y Capital Organizacional, su Impacto Favorable en la Rentabilidad de la Industria Manufacturera . Vinculategica Efan, 6(2), 1614–1625.