Diseño y validación de instrumento para medir la calidad de los servicios de consultoría de empresas de manufactura en Mexicali, B.C


  • Brenda Borquez-Tepezano Autonomous University of Baja California image/svg+xml
  • Mayda González-Espinoza Autonomous University of Baja California image/svg+xml
  • Gloria Muñoz-del Real Autonomous University of Baja California image/svg+xml




Administración, Calidad, Gestión, Microempresa, Servicios


Some companies are questioned for the quality of their products or services, which has increased the demand for consulting services specialized in quality management systems. However, the companies dedicated to this business lack a quality management system applied to their own administration. The objective of this research is the design and validation of an instrument that allows to measure the quality of consulting services, in terms of quality and business resource variables. It is an applied research with a quantitative, the methodology is based on the design of an instrument on service preferences with reference in the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015, a pilot survey was applied to 30 companies of the manufacturing industry, in the City of Mexicali, BC. As a conclusion, we obtained the validation of the measurement instrument that allows us to know the quality and business resource instrument, which directly influence the optimization of them.


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How to Cite

Borquez-Tepezano, B., González-Espinoza, M., & Muñoz-del Real, G. (2019). Diseño y validación de instrumento para medir la calidad de los servicios de consultoría de empresas de manufactura en Mexicali, B.C. Vinculatégica EFAN, 5(2), 787–795. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga5.2-700